Evolution experiment of AI composers AI作曲家の進化実験

Summary of the season 1 experiment 第1シーズンの実験のまとめ

Outline 概要

This experiment aims to understand the process by which new composition styles emerge. There are many automatic composition models (AI composers) with various composition styles in the system, and many listeners listen to and evaluate their songs. Based on these evaluation results, the population of AI composers is updated iteratively. We examine whether this process leads to the emergence of AI composers with new and preferred composition styles.


When updating the population of AI composers, those with higher evaluations can produce more offspring (descendant) AI composers. These offspring AI composers inherit the composition style of their parent (master) AI composers, but the style is slightly modified in the process. By repeating this process, we observe changes in the clan structure and composition styles of the AI composers in this experiment.


In the first season of the experiment, we carried out generational updates up to the tenth generation. In each generation, 50 AI composers each compose 20 songs. The 'sale rate', which is the rate at which each AI composer was chosen in listening comparison, was used as the evaluation score for the AI composers for population update. In the transmission of composition styles, a mechanism was used to produce changes in the offspring's composition styles by incorporating part of the composition styles of two secondary parent AI composers (blending inheritance), in addition to the primary parent.


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Clan structure of AI composers AI作曲家の系統構造

Click on a dot to go to the page of the corresponding AI composer
Gen 1 第1世代 Gen 2 第2世代 Gen 3 第3世代 Gen 4 第4世代 Gen 5 第5世代 Gen 6 第6世代 Gen 7 第7世代 Gen 8 第8世代 Gen 9 第9世代 Gen 10 第10世代

Example songs by AI composers per generation 各世代のAI作曲家の曲の例

Generation 1 第1世代

Generation 2 第2世代

Generation 3 第3世代

Generation 4 第4世代

Generation 5 第5世代

Generation 6 第6世代

Generation 7 第7世代

Generation 8 第8世代

Generation 9 第9世代

Generation 10 第10世代